Citizen Review Panel
Thank you for your interest in the Public Health District VI Citizen Review Panel. This panel serves Bannock, Bear Lake, Caribou, Franklin, Oneida, & Power Counties.
We seek people from all walks of life with varying levels of experience. The goal is to create a diverse panel of volunteers with an interest in the welfare of children and families. Participation on the Citizen Review Panel will require individuals with an ability to maintain confidentiality and cope with sensitive and emotional cases. Individuals will need to attend regular Citizen Review Panel meetings and required trainings. The application process includes reference checks and a criminal history background check paid for by Southeastern Idaho Public Health, and willingness to attend a Citizen Review Panel training.
Citizen Review Panels will meet monthly. It is anticipated that serving as a Citizen Review Panel member for Southeastern Idaho Public Health will require committing to one meeting per month. In addition to the full day meeting, it is estimated there preparation time to read case files in advance of the monthly meeting. Panel members are required to pass a criminal history background check and complete of training annually.
Included with this link is a volunteer application to serve on the Citizen Review Panel.
In 1995, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare organized Citizen Review Panels in each of its seven regions to examine how Idaho's Child Protection System worked and to make recommendations for improving the system.
In 2018, the Idaho Legislature amended Idaho Code to transition oversight of the Citizen Review Panels to the seven local public health districts. The Citizen Review Panels are comprised of up to seven volunteers that reside within the boundaries of the public health district. Each Citizen Review Panel is tasked with reviewing all cases brought under the child protective act that have been open in the corresponding district court, or other appropriate local jurisdiction, longer than 120 days.
If you have further questions, please contact Southeastern Idaho Public Health’s Director, Maggie Mann, at (208) 243-1103 or via email at .