Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

In 2022, over 49,000 people died by suicide in the United States.

Suicide is a critical public health issue that can have lasting harmful effects on individuals, families, and communities. Although, suicide is complicated and tragic, it is preventable.

Suicide in Idaho
  • In 2022, 445 Idahoans died by suicide
  • Idaho’s suicide rate was 1.6 times higher than the national average
  • Suicide is the 9th leading cause of death in Idaho

There is always hope.

The goal of Southeastern Idaho Public Health’s Suicide Prevention Program is to reduce the rate of suicide by promoting awareness, providing resources, and emphasizing hope and recovery. We offer QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) and Mental Health First Aid training. For more information on these trainings please visit: Suicide Prevention Trainings

We hope you find the resources provided here useful in helping you and our community understand and become involved in our efforts.

This site is NOT intended to and does NOT provide crisis intervention. If you are in a crisis or have concerns about someone, call or text the Idaho Crisis and Suicide Hotline at 988 or text CONNECT to 741741.

Visit the Idaho Lives Project at to learn how Idaho is providing suicide prevention in schools.

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