Reducing the Risk (RTR): building skill to prevent pregnancy, STIs, and HIV

Reducing the Risk (RTR): building skill to prevent pregnancy, STIs, and HIV

This program is a classroom-based 16 session comprehensive sexual health education curriculum that focuses on prevention of teen pregnancy, STIs, and HIV. RTR uses role plays to teach teens:
  • Refusal Skills
  • Delay statements/tactics
  • Planning
  • Alternative activities that don’t involve sex
  • Healthy and effective communication skills
  • How to evaluate and avoid high-risk situations
  • To stick to their values and resist peer pressure
The curriculum also provides students with the opportunity to:
  • Evaluate the risks and consequences of becoming an adolescent parent or becoming infected with HIV or another sexually transmitted infection
  • Recognize that abstaining from sexual activity or using contraception are the only ways to avoid pregnancy, HIV infection and other STIs
  • Conclude that factual information about conception and protection is essential for avoiding teenage pregnancy, HIV infection and other STIs
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills for remaining abstinent and for avoiding unprotected sexual intercourse
  • Gain information about teen pregnancy, abstinence, birth control and the risks and consequences of teen pregnancy and HIV/STIs
  • Personalize information by identifying their own vulnerability to pregnancy and STIs, examining the impact of pregnancy and HIV on their own lives and identifying their personal values regarding abstaining or using birth control
  • Recognize and handle social pressures and anticipate risky situations by examining common lines used to pressure for sex, and teaching students how to anticipate and prepare for situations in which unwanted or unprotected sex may occur
  • Set goals and prepare for how they will reach them
  • Practice these skills with peers in a safe environment

RTR encourages teens to recognize that abstinence or proper birth control and condom use are the only effective ways to prevent pregnancy, HIV, and STIs.